Material's Automated Design & Discovery Lab (MADD)

1. Russlan J, Abuhmed T, Hamad K*, Age-hardening behavior guided by the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and machine learning. Journal of alloys and compounds. Accepted 2021.
​2. Russlan J, Kang YS, Kim JG, Hamad K*, Machine learning guided discovery of super-hard high entropy ceramics. Materials Letters. Accepted 2021
3. Chaudry UM, Tekumalla S, Gupta M, Hamad K*. Designing highly ductile magnesium alloys: Current status and future challenges. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Science. Accepted 2021.
​4. Hamad K*, Choi YS, Chaudry UM. Atomic scale insights into the plasticity of iron-phosphorus alloy. Materials letters. Accepted 2021
5. Chaudry UM, Hamad K*, Effect of calcium on the superplastic behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. Accepted 2021.
​6. A. Farooq, U.M. Chaudry, A. Saleem, K.M. Deen, K. Hamad* and Rafiq Ahmad. Sacrificial dissolution of the zinc electroplated and cold galvanized coated steel in saline and soil environments: A comparison. Materials. Accepted 2021.
7. Chaudry UM, Hamad K*, Abuhmed T. Machine learning-aided design of aluminum alloys with high performance. Materials Today Communications. Accepted 2021.​
8. Haneen Alzamer, Hamad K*, Abuhmed T. A Short Review on the Machine Learning-Guided Oxygen Uptake Prediction for Sport Science Applications. Electronics. Accepted for publication 2021.
1. Chaudry UM, Hamad K*, Kim JG. A Further Improvement in the Room-Temperature Formability of Magnesium Alloy Sheets by Pre-Stretching. Materials. 13 (2020) 2633 (IF: 3.01).
2. Chaudry UM, Hamad K*, Kim JG. Ca-induced Plasticity in Magnesium Alloy: EBSD Measurements and VPSC Calculations. Crystals. 10 (2020) 67 (IF: 2.1).
3. Ko YG, Kim YG, Hamad K*. Microstructure optimization of low-carbon steel using differential speed rolling deformation followed by annealing. Materials Letters. 261, 127154, 2020 (IF: 3.20).
4. Ko YG, Chaudry UM, Hamad K*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of AA6061 alloy deformed by differential speed rolling. Materials Letters. 259, 126870, 2020 (IF: 3.20).
5. U Masood Chaudry, K Hamad, JG Kim. Optimisation of structure for enhancing the room-temperature stretch formability of magnesium alloy. Philosophical Magazine Letters 100 (10), 461-467