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Material's Automated Design & Discovery Lab (MADD)


1. Russlan J, Abuhmed T, Hamad K*, Age-hardening behavior guided by the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and machine learning. Journal of alloys and compounds. Accepted 2021.


​2. Russlan J, Kang YS, Kim JG, Hamad K*, Machine learning guided discovery of super-hard high entropy ceramics. Materials Letters. Accepted 2021


3. Chaudry UM, Tekumalla S, Gupta M, Hamad K*. Designing highly ductile magnesium alloys: Current status and future challenges. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Science. Accepted 2021.


​4. Hamad K*, Choi YS, Chaudry UM. Atomic scale insights into the plasticity of iron-phosphorus alloy. Materials letters. Accepted 2021


5. Chaudry UM, Hamad K*, Effect of calcium on the superplastic behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. Accepted 2021.


​6. A. Farooq, U.M. Chaudry, A. Saleem, K.M. Deen, K. Hamad* and Rafiq Ahmad. Sacrificial dissolution of the zinc electroplated and cold galvanized coated steel in saline and soil environments: A comparison. Materials. Accepted 2021.


7. Chaudry UM, Hamad K*, Abuhmed T. Machine learning-aided design of aluminum alloys with high performance. Materials Today Communications. Accepted 2021.​


8. Haneen Alzamer, Hamad K*, Abuhmed T. A Short Review on the Machine Learning-Guided Oxygen Uptake Prediction for Sport Science Applications.  Electronics. Accepted for publication 2021.


1. Chaudry UM, Hamad K*, Kim JG. A Further Improvement in the Room-Temperature Formability of Magnesium Alloy Sheets by Pre-Stretching. Materials. 13 (2020) 2633 (IF: 3.01).


2. Chaudry UM, Hamad K*, Kim JG. Ca-induced Plasticity in Magnesium Alloy: EBSD Measurements and VPSC Calculations. Crystals. 10 (2020) 67 (IF: 2.1).


3. Ko YG, Kim YG, Hamad K*. Microstructure optimization of low-carbon steel using differential speed rolling deformation followed by annealing. Materials Letters. 261, 127154, 2020 (IF: 3.20).


4. Ko YG, Chaudry UM, Hamad K*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of AA6061 alloy deformed by differential speed rolling. Materials Letters. 259, 126870, 2020 (IF: 3.20).


5. U Masood Chaudry, K Hamad, JG Kim. Optimisation of structure for enhancing the room-temperature stretch formability of magnesium alloy. Philosophical Magazine Letters 100 (10), 461-467


6. Umer Masood Chaudry, Hafiz Waqar Ahmad, Muhammad Rehan Tariq, Ameeq Farooq, Muhammad Kashif Khan, Farooq Sher, Hassan Zeb, Kotiba Hamad, Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Electrochemical Characteristics of Dissimilar Material Welded by Butter Method. Materials 13 (20), 4512


1. Kassem M, Hamad K, Deri F, Ko YG. Material properties of polyethylene/wood composites: A review of recent works, Polymer Science (Part A). 57 (2015) 689-703 (IF: 0.984).


2. Kaseem M, Hamad K, Park JH, and Ko YG. Rheological properties pf ABS/wood plastic composites, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 73 (2015) 701-703 (IF: 1.901).


3. Kaseem M, Hamad K, Yang HW, Deri F, and Ko YG. Melt Rheology of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) /Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Blends, Polymer Science (Part A). 57 (2015) 233-238 (IF: 0.984).


4. Hamad K, Kaseem M, Yang HW, Deri F, and Ko YG. Properties and medical applications of polylactic acid: A review. Express Polymer Letters. 9 (2015) 435-455 (IF: 3.621) (highly cited paper: web of science).


5. Hamad K, Ko YG. Effect of roll speed ratio on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of 0.18 wt. % carbon steel deformed by differential speed rolling, Materials Letters. 160 (2015) 213-217 (IF: 3.091).


6. Hamad K, Park JH, Ko YG. Finite element analysis of deformation behavior in Al-2.2wt.% Mg alloy subjected to differential speed rolling, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 24 (2015) 2990-3001(IF: 1.476).


7. Kaseem M, Hamad K, Chung BK, Ko YG. Microstructure and plastic anisotropy of fine grained AZ31 magnesium alloy fabricated by differential speed rolling at 473 and 573 K. Materials Research Innovations. 9 (2015) 477-480 (IF: 0.830).


8. Kaseem M, Hamad K, Chung BK, Ko YG. Effect of Deformation Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ31 Mg Alloy Processed by Differential-Speed Rolling. Journal of Materials Science and Technology 31 (2015) 498-503 (IF: 5.040).


9. Hamad K, Park JH, Widiantar IP, Ko YG. Strain and crystallographic texture evaluation of interstitial free steel cold deformed by differential speed rolling. Material Letter 147 (2015) 38-41(IF: 3.091).. 

2012 and Before

1. Hamad K*, Kaseem M, Deri F. Poly(lactic acid)/low density polyethylene polymer blends:  Preparation and characterization, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. Special Issue: 7 (2012) S310-S316 (IF: 1.396).


2. Kaseem M, Hamad K, Deri F. Preparation and studying properties of thermoplastic starch/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene blend, International Journal of Plastic Technology. 16 (2012) 39-49 (IF: -).


3. Kaseem M, Hamad K, Deri F. Rheological and mechanical properties of polypropylene/thermoplastic starch blend, Polymer Bulletin. 68 (2012)1079-1091 (IF: 1.858).


4. Kaseem M, Hamad K, Deri F. Preparation and studying properties of polybutene-1/thermoplastic starch blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 124 (2012) 3092-3098 (IF: 2.188).


5. Kaseem M, Hamad K, Deri F. Thermoplastic starch blends: A review of recent works.  Polymer Science (Part A) 54 (2012) 165-176 (IF: 0.985).


6. Hamad K*, Kaseem M, Deri F. Effect of recycling on rheological and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/polystyrene polymer blend, Journal of Materials Science. 46 (2011) 3013-3019 (IF: 3.442).


7. Hamad K*, Kaseem M, Deri F. Rheological and mechanical characterization of poly(lactic acid)/polypropylene polymer blends, Journal of Polymer Research. 18 (2011) 1799-1806 (IF: 1.530).  


8. Hamad K*, Kaseem M, Deri F (2011) Melt rheology of poly(lactic acid)/low density polyethylene polymer blends, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science. 4 (2011) 208-214 (IF: -).


9. Hamad K*, Kaseem M, Deri F. Rheological and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/polystyrene polymer blend, Polymer Bulletin. 65 (2010) 509-519 (IF: 1.858).

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